Design more sustainable tourism products with equator.

Quick, easy, and affordable tools to measure and enhance your products' sustainability.
Starting at US$ 49/month.

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Sustainability doesn't have to be boring. Equator gives you the insights you need to tell tourists about how their vacations sustain livelihoods, preserve heritage and protect biodiversity. Or simply how they could travel better.
Appeal to the next generation of tourists

Sustainable tourism, finally within reach.

With access to over 500,000 academic articles, government data sets and industry publications, Equator gives you the insights you need to design and market sustainable tourism products.

The evolution of sustainable tourism expertise


Spend $100,000s on a team of consultants, who need months to assemble a 90-page report filled with technical jargon that could be out of date in a few months, or whenever you change your product.


Ask Equator and get succinct, actionable solutions in seconds. Leave the calculations to us. Equator's AI continuously updates with the latest data, so you'll always be provided with the most relevant insights.

My Desktop Hero

Making sustainability a universal resource.

Frequently Asked Questions.

And some other questions we don't get asked, but felt like answering anyway.