
Most people don't have $10,000s of dollars to spend on sustainability data. That's why there's Equator.


For small companies or individuals looking to get started on their sustainability journey. The starter package includes:

  • One user account

  • Generate insights for up to 5 products a month.

  • Get carbon calculations

  • Get access to insights from over 500,000 academic articles, government datasets and industry publications.

  • Unlimited boards and store insights

US$ 39/month

Pro (coming soon)

For small teams or users with lots of products who need insights for reporting, certification, or sustainability marketing.

  • 3 User Accounts (additional users are $9/mth)

  • Generate insights for up to 20 products/mth (additional products from $2/mth )

  • Receive industry benchmarking data

  • Organize insights with unlimited boards

US$ 88/month

Enterprise (contact us)

For medium-large companies, corporations, destinations, and governments with complex or specific DataByte requests.

  • Unlimited Accounts

  • Unlimited AI queries and products (priced by usage)

  • Access to the Borealis API

  • Access to Data Science Team for verification and technical support

  • Request specific impact models

  • 9-5 technical support

Contact Us